Tagged: beercast


Episode 101 – We Blue Ourselves

We are back after the big blow out that was 99 – 100 and we are still spent so little shorter shows this round. Also Mark is dead to us. Long live Mark. In...

Episode 100!

No punny title. We hit 100. We want to thank everyone that has put up with host changes both on mic and where the podcast lives, technical issues, and all the other things that...

Episode 98: Protein beer, brah!

The bros are back minus Mark because he is busy with his new side project. Kyle joins us again to discuss: Changes at Green Flash After nearly 11 years spent helping to set the...

Episode 97: GABF Wrap Up

The bros are back, and our resident part-timer broke his streak of 4 shows (and we are all better for it). Thanks Mark! Kyle from Vintner joins us to discuss: GABF happened – some quick stats...

Episode 96: Jeff Was Wrong

The bros are back and Jeff was dead wrong. I said my name right in the intro damn it and I knew it. Suck it Jeff! In this episode we discuss: Saw this coming...

Episode 94: The Tiniest Chickens

The bros are back and have news this time! Just Mark, Jeff, and Josh on this one. We discuss: This might be the best satire video ever. Pop Tart Beer? On Saturday, 21st Amendment...

Episode 92: Trader Bros

The bros are back with Jenny from Birdsong in tow again. Mark claims he is coming back next show. We will believe it when we see the man bun Mark! In this show we...

Episode 91: The Session Sessions

The bros are back and Jenny from Birdsong Brewing joined us! In this episode we discuss: Sam Adams likes it RAW Here’s your first look at a new beer and package coming from Samuel...

Episode 90: With a Side of Ranch

The bros are back again with Jason in tow. We learn about his odd chaser for beer and why the hell he was on the show in the first place. We also discuss: Yoga Beer?...

Episode 89: The Man Bun

Let’s face it, Mark is a part timer at this point and we needed a fourth so we brought a Super Fan on! Jeff had a buddy down from IN so Jason fills in...

Episode 88: Handies

The bro’s are back again for another round. Again news a little behind because of crazy work schedules. In this show we discuss: This Bud is for you Nobody cheers for the guy who...

Episode 87: The Spoils of War

The dudes are back with some older news. Spoiler alert Josh had to travel this past week when we would normally record so the news here won’t be the freshest. Yes we all know...

Episode 85: Small Talk

Two of the bros are back for some random talk this week. Chris got all sandy and we have to assume Mark is dead at this point or at least dead to us. Jeff...

Episode 84: R.I.P. Boo

So ironically the bros were making fun of Josh’s half dead cat and brewing a beer with it. Sadly the cat was put to rest this past Wednesday. We also discuss: Craft vs Crafty...

Episode 83: Haters Gonna’ Hate

So Josh was trying to be nice and let the bros share in his Fathers Day beers and it didn’t go over so well… We also have a very special interview during our break....

Episode 81: Mark IaWHOEXACTLY?

Mark might be homeless at this point. We don’t really know. At any rate just the 3 of us for this one and we discuss: Craft Pepsi? Pepsi is looking to launch a line of...

Episode 79: Pants Free Day

The bros are back minus Mark who at this point we might as well call a part timer. Jenny from Birdsong comes back to discuss the growth of Birdsong as well as: It’s back….. Kinda...

Episode 78: Legalese

The bros, all jacked up on Nitro Coffee, are back at Grapevine in Fort Mill, SC. Again if you are a local listener or hell every in the area, worth the short drive from...

Episode 76: Dale’s Jr. Pale Ale

They dudes are back! Well… two of them. Chris had God knows what and Mark was having some BEX. So this time we are joined by the two Jonathan’s. In this show we discuss:...

Episode 74: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

The bros are back continuing our 2 year anniversary! We hit some FANTASTIC beers and discuss: Beer and private equity/all kinds of funding If you shop at Walmart, your an asshole (we know that...

Episode 73: On a very special…

For those of you that are time traveling, this episode dropped on our 2 year anniversary so for better or worse, I decided to do things a little different. If you like the changes,...

Episode 70: Micro Pour

The gang is back with Sam from Craft Carolina. He joins us for some more drunken nonsense. In this show we discuss: Mark being #WPR went to Hunahpu’s Day and reports back. Rumormongering Ballast Point...

Episode 69: Reciprocation

The gang is back and joined by Sam from Craft Carolina to Black and Blue, along with: KY is fighting the man Belgium-based Anheuser-Busch InBev is a step closer to having to sell its Kentucky distributorships as...

Episode 67: Clickbait

The gang is back for another show! Just the four of us this time but be warned, we are coming up to guest season. Pretty much the next few shows are going to have...

Episode 66: A Third of the Beast

We are back! Full show baby! Josh put his smart hat on post show 2. Jonathon Wells join us again while Mark is away in the land of his people (more on this next...

Episode 65: I’ve made a huge mistake…

A note from our fearless leader, Josh. “I done fucked up…. For some genius reason, I decided it would be a grand idea to overwrite the news segment. Troll me, I deserve it for...

Episode 61: Timey Wimey Wibbly Wobbly

Full disclosure here. This show was recorded at the end of December but we decided to release the Jim Koch one first instead so a few things could be a little dated. Deal with...

Episode 60: Docking

In what might be our longest show ever, we have a blast! Hope you all can hang around as long as we did. Since it’s Friday, why not crack some beers and listen to...

Episode 59: The Top 5 Beers of 2014

That’s right! It’s time to check out our Top 5 beers from 2014! It has been a hell of a year and we want to thank you all for your support! Of course we...

Episode 56: Like a Rhinestone Lumberjack

Welcome back to another show! The boys get together in Union County (and Mark rocks some kick ass bedazzled headphones) to discuss: Another old recipe? Cool. Ardent Craft Ales in Richmond recently brewed “Jane’s...

Episode 55: We were lied to!

The boys are back for another vert! This time it’s Narwhal. Josh was too lazy to come up with a clever pun title for it though… Yea, he’s the worst. In this show we...

Episode 53: Everybody’s Got A Price

We tried to play the Million Dollar Man game, aka Everybody’s got a price, but Mark ended up being a Debbie Downer. However, we still try and make it through. In this episode we...

Episode 52: Shattered Dreams

We’re back, this time with some shattered dreams and a show of just the four of us. With the holidays coming, it will just be us until next year. However when we come back...

Episode 50: The Golden Years

The big Five O we finally hit it! Crashed hard drives aside we are just going to make this one 50 and you can deal with it. Suck it suckers! The boys are back...

Episode 47: Monstro, bro.

Spoiler alert: on this episode the guys talk about beer. Like you didn’t see that coming. We cover… GABF winners The Great American Beer Festival awarded 268 medals today to 234 breweries. In its...

Episode 46: Some Like it Hot

Jeff returns for part 2 of his beer vacation from the PNW. Maybe he saw Sasquatch, at least that is what I am going to go with. In this episode the boys discuss: Dogfish...

Episode 45: Communist Hipsters

The boys are back again after Jeff returned from his beer vacation in the PNW. In this episode we discuss: Ten Fidy is coming nation wide! Almost. The 2014 limited release of Oskar Blues...

Episode 44: Protips

The boys are back again for another drunken ramble fest. Also Josh’s color coding got screwed up so some stories that were on the last episode notes are actually discussed on this one. Thanks...

Episode 42: #StripperBeerNames

Back again in your ear holes for this week’s episode and the boys discuss: Mmmmmmm Oaktobersfest… AKA you’re a supreme asshole if you review beers like this The name Oaktoberfest is a nod to the brewery’s...

Episode 40: I’m Gonna’ Wife You

Josh, Jeff, and Lindsay are back again to finish what they started last week. This episode we discuss: Oskar Blues are tweaking their water supply Craft beer sales have been growing by double digits,...

Episode 38: The Darkest Timeline

Some awesome discussion topics this week! What the drought in California could mean for craft beer fans. In California’s Sonoma County, Lagunitas Brewing Company, founded in 1993, has grown into one of the largest...

Episode 36: Cut Jeff Off!

We went to Grapevine down in South Carolina! If you have not had the chance, you owe it to yourself to make the short drive up to Fort Mill if you are in the area....

Episode 34: The Fan Returns!

So Josh is still a big, dumb, stupid head and the fan is still around. Also so is Ryan so I guess it all comes out in the wash. We also discuss: Pumpkin Beers...

Episode 33: We have a fan!

Remember when Josh is a big, dumb, idiot? Same!  He may have forgotten to tell Mark to turn off the box fan in the room. Have a problem with the noise? Deal with it.  We...

Episode 32: Mark is the Loneliest Number

Were back! You thought we were joking didn’t you? Well much to your dismay we are, in fact, weekly. Epsiode 32 is here, so let’s get down to business. The Best Commercial Beers in...

Episode 31: Poppin’ Collars

We’re officially going weekly! Get excited! On this episode we talk about some local breweries, NoDa and Birdsong, hitting some snags in their growth process. More broadly, how does local and state legislation affect the...

Episode 30: Frozen beers are not all that great…

In this episode of The Craft Beercast, we talk about the TTB’s reclassification of some ingredients as “traditional”, effectively loosening the regulation on brewer’s ingredients and processes. This is significantly reducing the time it takes breweries...

Episode 28

Episode 28: “Doing Lines” With Mark

In this episode of the Craft Beercast… Coors has lost their mind, “I’m a beer snob, brah!”, we discuss Fonta Flora, the usual shenanigans, buy/no-buy, I’d Tap That and more!   https://s3.amazonaws.com/listen.craftbeercast.com/28.mp3Podcast: Play in...

Episode 26: A Better Mark

Overview: Chad from NoDa joins us for 20 minutes to discuss winning the gold at World Beer Cup! Beer Camp official details, Dogfish Head and Trademark Battles, Floriduh lives up to the name. https://s3.amazonaws.com/listen.craftbeercast.com/26.mp3Podcast:...