Episode 39: How many tangents can we go on?

Sorey brahs but Mark is on his annual moose hunting trip in the Great White North so he won’t be around for the next two shows. Don’t worry, he will be back in time for the next two shows though, eh. Chris was missing in action for these two shows as well, work was suppose to send him to London where he still wouldn’t bring back beer but that got cancelled at the last minute but he will be back for the next set of shows.

Josh and Jeff were joined by our newest member of the crew Lindsay! She is going to be joining the show on a semi rotating basis. More on that later.

We also discuss…

Beer and Baseball, who has the best?

Several years ago, craft beer started taking off at Cincinnati’s Great American Ballpark. From 2011-2012, sales went up by 20 percent. From 2012-2013, they were up 47 percent.

The Beer Dictator

Widely regarded as an eccentric bureaucrat, Kent ‘Battle’ Martin approves essentially every beer label in the United States, giving him awesome power over a huge industry.
Buy/No Buy, I’d Tap That, and more of the usual nonsense than normal because there was only 3 of us and a lot of beer to drink…

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