Short Pours – No-Li Brewhouse – Spokane, WA – 09.16.14

0916141448 So this is a fun week for me; I get to spend time with one of my all-time best friends, we get to drive around the Pacific Northwest together, and the best part is that we’re sampling beer everywhere we go! Our first stop was at No-Li Brewhouse ( – a Spokane brewery whose name is a result of a one of the many overlaps in beer names that are becoming all too common. Once called Northern Lights, they shortened it to No-Li so that they weren’t in conflict with another brewery out on the East coast. Around the time that this happened, No-Li’s focus shifted from Spokane-centric to a more packaging and distribution focus. You can now find No-Li bottles in North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, even Hawaii. 0916141444 No-Li is currently building up a barrel-aging program, in part due to the synergy with their neighbor, Dry Fly Distillery. Head Brewer Damon tells me that they’re trying a lot of different avenues with aging their beer, and that they’re going to continue to expand the practice to offer more options. I was extremely fortunate to be in town right when they had released their first barrel-aged bottle, and it sounds fantastic. IMG_20140916_163147  Many thanks to Brittany and Damon for taking time out of their day and to share their passion for craft beer!


You can find No-Li online at and on the Twitters @nolibrewhouse


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