Tagged: sam adams

Episode 116 – We’re going to live forever

Dem bros are back and talk about living forever, thanks to a new medical report.  You’ll hear us mention the buyout/acquisition of the week, and get a good chuckle as a Scottish brewer smacks someone...

Episode 100!

No punny title. We hit 100. We want to thank everyone that has put up with host changes both on mic and where the podcast lives, technical issues, and all the other things that...

Episode 99: This Time With Feeling

The bros are back and we have a few others in tow as we climb the ladder to episode 100! In this episode the boys discuss: Sam Adams nitro cans Boston Beer Company, makers...

Episode 91: The Session Sessions

The bros are back and Jenny from Birdsong Brewing joined us! In this episode we discuss: Sam Adams likes it RAW Here’s your first look at a new beer and package coming from Samuel...

Episode 60: Docking

In what might be our longest show ever, we have a blast! Hope you all can hang around as long as we did. Since it’s Friday, why not crack some beers and listen to...