Tagged: hoppin frog

Episode 402 – It’s ready for your mouth, Jeff

In this episode we discuss: Hang it up, we are done here Magic grape dust Unknown is alive again Pass me the Bevy Who has spent the most Most popular beer in every stadium, or is it https://s3.amazonaws.com/listen.craftbeercast.com/402.mp3Podcast: Play in...

Episode 191 – Rule 34

Little more of a normal show this time. Not as many crazy news stories. In this episode we discuss: If you are making beer can chicken, you are doing it wrong Why Damn Millennials The normies...

Episode 181 – BRING US UTOPIAS

You see it in the title, you have the challenge. We want to try Utopias. We will trade with you, have you on the show, whatever. You know how to get in touch with...